Process Workflow Diagrams

Hey All
I am just getting started with Shapeup on a small team building TransitChat. I have just started building process workflow diagrams as well.

I am reading through the shapeup for the 2nd time and I am creating process workflow diagrams along the way. I would love to get some feedback on what I have made and share my diagrams as well.

Feedback welcome (I don’t know if this is right)
Have others created workflow diagrams of their shapeup process? can you share?

Excalidraw File

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The version in the book is Shape Up 1.0.
It would be great to create a version of the flow updated to Shape 2.0, i.e.:

  • Framing[1] → Shaping (+ Spiking) → Packaging → Betting Table → Structured Kickoff → Building → Cool Down
  • the output of the Framing session is a well-framed problem
  • I think the output of Shaping is not called a pitch anymore
  • the output of Packaging is a “Package”
  • instead of big/small batch - optional arbitrary length build cycles (but still fixed time)
  • a new Miro-based format for breadboarding


  1. Framing - Ryan Singer
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