Welcome to the Shape Up forum!

This forum is for readers and early adopters of Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters.

It’s a place to share your experiences and get answers from people who’ve implemented the method in their own teams.

Welcome and enjoy!


Thanks for setting this up @rjs!

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I can see this forum becoming very popular over time. Given all the people following Basecamp’s ideas of software development, it’s just a matter of time.

I’ve promoted and discussed all Basecamp books, including Shape Up, in the companies I’ve worked at. There’s definitely a need for broader discussion on this topic as many people don’t agree right away.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks for setting this up @rjs - I have been trying very hard recently to adapt Basecamp and ShapeUp at work. Though failed at doing it completely, have managed to get adoption of hill-chart thinking and all communication in one place. Hope this forum helps popularize ShapeUp as a better way for software development than scrum or waterfall methodologies.

This is a great idea! Thanks for putting it together @rjs. Can’t wait to see how this grows over time. Hi everyone! :wave:

Thanks @rjs. Shape Up has been such a breath of fresh air

Thanks @rjs for setting this up.

It’s really interesting to me to share experiences about getting from the current way of working:

  • backlogs… backlogs everywhere
  • deep thinking and decision making at the wrong time

to the calm and clear way that Shape Up feels like.

Hi Everyone!

Really great to see this today. If there’s anyone in London or the UK using Shape-up I’d love to chat / grab a coffee…

We’re just about to start our second cycle, and using two teams this time around.

This is great, thanks for putting this together @rjs! Looking forward to chatting with other small teams (< 10) about how they’ve implemented shaping in their businesses.

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It is great to have a forum for Shape Up. The book is really great, but it is also just a start. There is so much nuance to everything touching Shape Up. There is already much information on twitter and in podcasts, but for the long time search-ability a forum is so much better. Looking forward to the knowledge gems that will be planted here.

Hi everyone! Thank you for setting this up and I’ve already got a ton of information from the limited posts here. So thanks for posting questions and providing answers.

We’ve been applying ShapeUp in our company over the past few months and I feel that we’re “starting to getting the hang of it”. We’re a relatively small company and product team (8 people on product at the moment) and so far everyone in the team is welcoming to our new approach.

We’ve chosen to start with 4-week cycles currently, mainly because we want to be quite flexible (in terms of time) as we need to stabilise the core feature-set of our platform while we onboard new customers and get into stable waters of a profitable business model. We come from an agency background so have been gradually moving from client-lead to product-lead over the past months.

Happy to start contributing to this forum and open invite to anyone who wants to talk/demo/show&tell their day-to-day practices in a small group or 1-1s!

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I’m excited to be here and hear how people are using Shape Up! Thanks for setting up this forum.

Thanks so much for setting up @rjs - looking forward to continuing to learn more about this framework!

Hey ya’ll. I’m looking forward to lurking for a bit, seeing what’s and who’s here as I’m able. Thank you for this place.

I drop here, Shape up content in Spanish.
